About Roby
Rev. Roby Chevance is an ordained Minister, teacher, counselor, motivational speaker, psychic, clairvoyant medium and energy healer known for masterfully facilitating people through her private coaching and online courses that train people to master the science and the spirit of energy while putting it to work for them...
1 hr
215 US dollarsPrivate Group Mediumship Parties - Who would you love to talk with on the other side?
2 hr
800 US dollarsAccessing energetic realities that have formed your life to date and clearing the way to assist you
1 hr
215 US dollarsLocating psychic, energetic, past-life, and spiritual traumas or interferences that are keeping you
1 hr
215 US dollarsClearing your home, office or property of any energetic interferences and setting the energy to supp
1 hr
350 US dollarsIn Person - Assisting in clearing traumas and creating cooperation between you and your horse. $350
1 hr
350 US dollars
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2,400 US dollarsLoading days...
699 US dollars8-Week Course - The Transcendent Money Course - 8 Weeks - Opening your channels to greater financial
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249 US dollars
Psychic Mastery Development Circle
A 12-week deep-dive, intensive course to cultivate all aspects of your psychic abilities. Whether you believe you are not psychic at all or see and hear things, yet do not know how to control it, Rev. Roby will guide you through every aspect of psychic applications to give you confidence and proficiency.
Divine Prosperity
Discover spiritual truths about how to attract greater abundance into your life through the incorporation of the teachings of Spiritual Finance - All while having fun! History has proven that most student's lives are never the same after they take this consciousness and wealth expanding workshop.